Albion Street Church – exhibition, tour, refreshments, family activities

Albion Street Church Albion Street, Brierley Hill, West Midlands, United Kingdom

Visit Albion Street Church - a newcomer to the Brierley Hill Heritage Open Days festival. Tour the historic church and visit an exhibition of historic documents and photographs Family activities at the Storehouse - bouncy castle, face painting, Brierley Hill crafts for children Refreshments at the Faithful Coffee Lounge All welcome!

100 years of Brierley Hill Market – variety show

Brierley Hill Market High Street, Brierley Hill, West Midlands, United Kingdom

Join the team at the market as they celebrate 100 years. Songs from the decades, tap dancing the market builds on its wonderful reputation of holding events.

Teddy Bear Parachuting

St Michael’s Church Bell Street South, Brierley Hill, West Midlands, United Kingdom

Sat 16th, 0809: UPDATE: NO RAIN FORCAST FOR TODAY...WIND LIGHT AND IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION - SO THIS EVENT IS ON.... Give your teddy a treat with a parachute experience. Bring you teddy along and hand them to one of our organisers at the foot of St Michael's tower. They will be given a treat […]

Chime A Church Bell

St Michael’s Church Bell Street South, Brierley Hill, West Midlands, United Kingdom

Have you heard the Church Bells ringing on Sunday Morning. On a clear day they can be heard up to 2 miles away! This is a chance to chime a bell yourself. You will visit the historic ringing room to be greeted by one of our ringers who will, literally, show you the ropes! You […]

St Michael’s Church – Explore, take part, enjoy!

Wonderful activities for all ages at Brierley Hill's oldest building: teddy bear parachutes; treasure hunt; handbell ringing; chime a bell; badge making; photo exhibition; poetry writing and conjunction with Brierley Hill Library.

Handbell ringing

St Michael’s Church Bell Street South, Brierley Hill, West Midlands, United Kingdom

Fancy a go at handbell ringing…well now's your chance AND use some very special bells. When the church bell ringing at Brierley Hill was revived in 2017, ringers came across a set of dilapidated handbells in the ringing room. Some of the bells were cracked; some had clappers missing; many leather handles had rotted away. […]

Brierley Hill Library – badge making, old photos, artefacts

Brierley Hill Library 122 High St, Brierley Hill, West Midlands

Have you visited our wonderfully refurbished library since it reopened.  This is your chance.  The building has been transformed and today it will be holding a display of its old photographs, challenging you to help put together a jigsaw of an aerial photograph of Brierley Hill from 1931, and gifting the opportunity to make a […]